ISRO Centralized Recruitment Board (ICRB) has released Recruitment for the position of Scientists/Engineers 'SC' in Level 10 Pay Matrix to the young graduates.
Important Dates:
Online Applications are Invited for the post of Scientists/Engineers 'SC' ISRO vacancy 2019.
Start of Registration of Online Application: 26.12.2019
End of Registration of Online Application: 15.01.2019
Last Date of Fee Payment: 16.01.2019 (100/-)
Pay details:
Selected Candidates will be appointed as Scientist/ Engineer 'SC' in Level 10 of Pay Matrix and will be paid minimum basic pay of Rs 56100/- pm + HRA + TA.
Selected Candidates will be appointed as Scientist/ Engineer 'SC' in Level 10 of Pay Matrix and will be paid minimum basic pay of Rs 56100/- pm + HRA + TA.
Disciplines / Name and details of posts:
1. Scientist / Engineer 'SC' (Civil) (09 posts)
UnReserved: 06
SC : 01
ST: 01
OBC: 01
UnReserved: 06
SC : 01
ST: 01
OBC: 01
2. Scientist / Engineer 'SC' (Electrical) (05 posts)
UnReserved: 02
SC: 01
ST: 01
OBC: 01
UnReserved: 02
SC: 01
ST: 01
OBC: 01
3. Scientists / Engineer 'SC' (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ) (02 Posts)
UnReserved: 01
SC: 01
UnReserved: 01
SC: 01
4. Scientist / Engineer 'SC' (Architecture) (01 post) (Candidate must be registered with council of Architecture )
OBC: 01
OBC: 01
5. Scientist / Engineer 'SC' (Electrical) (01 Post)
UnReserved: 01
UnReserved: 01
BE/ B.Tech Or Equivalent in Relative Branch in First class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10. To be completed in Academic year 2018-2019 and Final degree must be available by August-2019.
BE/ B.Tech Or Equivalent in Relative Branch in First class with an aggregate minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10. To be completed in Academic year 2018-2019 and Final degree must be available by August-2019.
Age Limit: (As on 15.01.2019)
<= 35 Years on 15.01.2019 for General UR candidates.
<= 40 Years for SC/ST candidates
<= 38 Years for OBC Candidates
<= 35 Years on 15.01.2019 for General UR candidates.
<= 40 Years for SC/ST candidates
<= 38 Years for OBC Candidates
Application Fee:
Application Fee for ISRO 2019 Scientist / Engineer Vacancy is 100/- for Each Application.
Last Date of Fee Payment: 16.01.2019
Application Fee for ISRO 2019 Scientist / Engineer Vacancy is 100/- for Each Application.
Last Date of Fee Payment: 16.01.2019
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